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Catechetical Assemblies

Our Church, following the example of the selfless and genuine love of Christ, cares and always tends for our fellow man and of course, for children. This is why we also offer “Sunday School” lessons in our parish.


Every parent's wish, desire and personal happiness are to see his children grow up to be happy and successful in tomorrow’s society. The task of raising and educating a child is particularly difficult, nowadays, especial with so many dangers lurking, trying to seduce them and ruin them in their prime, tumbling the parents’ dreams down.


Our Church prays and asks God's help for the difficult task of educating your children. At the same time we work as assistants and supporters in this endeavour, through the “Sunday Schools” offered in our parish for every age. Our Church offers this to us free of charge and with the only criteria being our true and unwavering love for our children.


Children have the opportunity to get to know the life of Christ and the work of His love so that they are motivated to love others and to offer their best in tomorrow’s society.


Let’s motivate our children to attend the “schools” of our parish. They have a lot to gain.


Eventually, the “Sunday School” will offer your child a powerful weapon: a fool-proof life compass. Because, your child will experience an Odyssey full of Sirens and Smashing Rocks – perhaps with poverty, perhaps with wealth, but always with many temptations and seductions.


In our parish we offer the following school days and hours:

Elementary School children: Saturdays 11:00 am – 12:15 pm at Saint Matrona's Chapel.

Middle/High School girls: Sundays 10:00 (after Sunday Service) at Saint Matrona's Chapel.

Middle/High School boys: Sundays 10 :00 (after Sunday Service) at Saint Matronas's Chapel.

The Sunday School classes for  Middle/High School girls and  boys are held every 15 days.